Friday, January 13, 2012

Mavericks Big Wave Energy

‘Racing Trains’, a blog I wrote in the latter part of 2011, seems fortuitous. As 2012 begins RhodyCo is part of the management team for the Mavericks Invitational. We have quickly discovered the amazingly small worldwide culture of big wave surfing. A couple hundred people, including athletes and contest managers. Perhaps a few hundred more, like the people at and other niche surfer media, energize this sport's core, attracting millions of fans.

The history of this event, from Jeff Clark’s teenage discovery of the sixty foot waves at Mavericks, to the amazing big wave surfing competition that it has become today will be told, in part, by ‘Of Men & Mavericks’, the major motion picture release due out October this year. Mavericks history will take years to be told. Meanwhile, the story continues.

Mavericks has set a new tone for us at RhodyCo, the tone and tune of big waves, a big international event and a big heart. Big wave surfers, like Jeff Clark, have the hearts of adventurers. Not like someone hiking a challenging trail but someone who blazing a trail into a new part of the world.

Their abandon, like someone racing a freight train, is a big part of what I find so compelling.